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PSA6669 - Psychosocial Assessment: A Comprehensive Overview for Mental Health Clinicians. . . 4 CE Contact Hours

$ 40.00



Psychosocial Assessment:

A Comprehensive Overview for
Mental Health Clinicians


The objective of this course is
to provide the mental health clinician
with a comprehensive introductory
overview of the psychosocial
assessment process.


When the trainee completes this course,
he/she will:

- Comprehend the relationship between
theory and practice in psychosocial assessment
- Know the format and components of a thorough
psychosocial assessment
- Identify personal or professional biases
that might interfere with the development
of clinical impressions and /or clinical assessment
- Recognize and understand ethical
and cultural aspects of psychosocial assessment.
- Understand both quantitative and qualitative
aspects of assessment
- Comprehend how to fill out a thorough and
concise psychosocial assessment

This course contains two best practices forms
that can serve as templates for a clinical record
of a psychosocial assessment.

This course is primarily designed for clinicians
in the earlier stages of their career,
or for more advanced clinicians reviewing
basic concepts in this area.

This course was written by Gail A. Wright.
Ms. Wright holds a Bachelor of Arts degree
in Psychology from Boston University,
a Master of Arts degree in Psychology and Guidance
from Assumption College Graduate School
and a Master of Social Work degree from Boston College
Graduate School of Social Work. She has presented
at workshops on local, regional and national levels.
She has been an Adjunct Professor at Kennebec
Community College. She is employed by the Department
of Veterans Affairs as Program Director
for Care Case Management and Care Coordination
Home Telehealth. She is a Master Preceptor
for Care Coordination Home Telehealth.
She has written and published several on line courses
for the Department of Veterans Affairs
Employee Education Service and is a national
Peer Reviewer for proposed courses for social work
continuing education credits. She has served in both
elected and appointed positions in the Maine Chapter
of NASW.


Approvals: has been approved by NBCC as
an Approved Continuing Education Provider,
ACEP No. 6071.

Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit
are clearly identified. is solely responsible for all aspects
of the programs.

As noted on the NBCC web site, "most professional counselor
state licensure boards readily accept NBCC credit
for licensure renewal.", Inc., provider #1104, is approved
to offer social work continuing education by the Association
of Social Work Boards (ASWB), through
the Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program.

Organizations, not individual courses,
are approved as ACE providers.

State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority
to determine whether an individual course may be accepted
for continuing education credit., Inc. maintains responsibility for this course.

ASWB Approval Period: 11/15/2023 to 11/15/2026.

Social workers participating in this course will receive;
4 clinical continuing education clock hours.

With the notable exception of New York and New Jersey,
ASWB approval is accepted for licensed social workers.

This course is approved for 4 contact hours