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1. Barnett, N., Monti, P., & Wood, M. (2001). Motivational interviewing for alcohol- involved adolescents in the emergency room. In E. Wagner, & H. Waldron (Eds.), Innovations in adolescent substance abuse interventions (pp. 143-168). NY: Pergamon.
2. Connors, G., Donovan, D., & DiClemente, C. (2001). Substance abuse treatment and the stages of change. NY: Guilford.
3. Corey, G. (2001). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. 6th edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
4. DeJong, P, & Berg, I. (2002). Interviewing for solutions. 2nd edition. NY: Wadsworth.
5. Denning, P. (2000). Practicing harm reduction psychotherapy. NY: Guilford.
6. Denning, P., Little, J., & Glickman, A. (2004). Over the influence: The harm reduction method of managing drugs and alcohol. NY: Guilford.
7. DiClemente, C. (2003). Addiction and change. NY: Guilford.
8. DiClemente, C., & Velasquez, M. (2002). Motivational interviewing and the stages of change. In W. Miller & S. Rollnick (Eds.), Motivational interviewing. 2nd edition (pp. 201-216). NY: Guilford.
9. Fagan, R. (2004). Frames for change: Motivating mandated clients. Counselor, 5, 38-41.
10. Goode, E. (2005). Drugs in American society. 6th edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
11. Hanson, G., Venturelli, P., Fleckenstein, A. (2004). Drugs and society. 8th edition. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett.
12. Institute of Medicine (1996). Pathways to addiction: Opportunities in drug abuse research. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
13. Joe, G., Simpson, D., & Broome, K. (1998). Effects of readiness for drug abuse treatment on client retention and assessment of process. Addiction, 93, 1177-1190.
14. Marlatt, G., (1998). Harm reduction. NY: Guilford.
15. Marlatt, G., & Gordon, J. (Eds.). (1985). Relapse prevention: Maintenance strategies in the treatment of addictive behaviors. NY: Guilford.
16. Marlatt, G., Tucker, J., Donovan, D., & Vuchinich, R. (1997). Help-seeking by substance abusers: The role of harm reduction and behavioral economic approaches to facilitate treatment entry and retention. In L. Onken, J. Blaine, & J. Boren (Eds), Beyond the therapeutic alliance: Keeping the drug-dependent individual in treatment (pp.44-84). Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
17. Miller, W., & Rollnick, S. (2002). Motivational interviewing. NY: Guilford.
18. Miller, E., Turner, A., & Marlatt, G. (2001). The harm reduction approach to secondary prevention of alcohol problems in adolescents and young adults: Considerations across a developmental spectrum. In P. Monti, S. Colby, & T. O’Leary (Eds.), Adolescents, alcohol, and substance abuse (pp. 42-63). NY: Guilford.
19. Miller, W., Zweben, A., DiClemente, C., & Rycharik, R. (1995). Motivational enhancement therapy manual. Rockville, MD: NIAAA.
20. Moyers, T., & Waldorf, V. (2003). Motivational interviewing. In F. Rotgers, J. Morgenstern, S., & S. Walters (Eds.), Treating substance abuse (pp. 298-313). NY: Guilford.
21. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIAAA). (2003). Thirteen principles of effective drug treatment. Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse.
22. Prochaska. J., Norcross, J., & DiClemente, C. (1997). Changing for good. NY: Avon.
23. Tatarsky, A. (2002). Harm reduction psychotherapy: The new treatment for drug and alcohol problems. NY: Rowman & Littlefield.
24. Trotter, C. (1999). Working with involuntary clients. London: Sage.
25. Walters, S., Rotgers, F., Saunders, B., Wilkinson, C., & Towers, T. (2001). Theoretical perspectives on motivation and addictive behavior. In E. Wagner, & H.Waldron (Eds.), Innovations in adolescent substance abuse interventions (pp. 279-295). Kidlington,
UK: Oxford.
26. Walters, S., Rotgers, F., Saunders, B., Wilkinson, C., & Towers, T. (2003). In F. Rotgers, J. Morgenstern, & S. Walters (Eds.), Treating substance abuse (pp. 279-297). NY: Guilford.
30. Yahne, C., & Miller, W. (1999). Evoking hope. In W. Miller (Ed.), Integrating spirituality into treatment: Resources for practitioners (pp. 217-233). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


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