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TMH2577 - Telemental Health Review and Post-test towards the Certificate of Specialization


TeleMental Health Post-test Preparation Recommendations

Preparation for the TMH post-test should include the following:

1) Gather and review copies of the TMH PowerPoint slide shows, as these documents will contain a great deal of the information that is essential for the successful practice of Telemental Health. 

2) Review the TeleMental Health Video Counseling Checklist, as this document will take you through the steps that should be taken in preparation for engaging in video teleconferencing based counseling, and will address the technological requirements for engaging in TMH services. 

3) Review the TMH forms and templates for engaging in TMH services. 

4) Gather and review the handouts related to the ethical decision making process, including the 10 Best Ethical Decision Making Models. 

5. Gather and review the TMH Glossary of Key Terms, as this is the core vocabulary of TMH.


If you discover that you are missing key documents from the 3-day TMH training, contact to request those documents. The documents are not only meant to assist you in preparation for the post-test, but are also meant to assist you in the delivery of best practices TMH services and to deliver TMH services in the most ethical manner possible. 

Once you have successfully completed the post-test, you will receive an automatic certificate via email denoting completion of the post-test. Pursuant to this, will review your course completion, verify that you have completed all three days of training, then forward you via email a copy of the official Certificate of Specialization in Telemental Health. If you complete the post-test and do not receive your certificate of specialization within 24 hours, please contact so we can explore why the certificate was not forwarded to you via email. 


When you are ready to take the post-test, you may link to it here: